Uncrossing Oil
This spelled ritual oil rids user & space of negative energy, hexes, the evil eye, & bad vibes.
Ingredients: This is a handmade essential oil blend with top notes of rose. For specific ingredients please send us a message on instagram or shoot us an email.
This spelled ritual oil rids user & space of negative energy, hexes, the evil eye, & bad vibes.
Ingredients: This is a handmade essential oil blend with top notes of rose. For specific ingredients please send us a message on instagram or shoot us an email.
How To Use:
Use sparingly when applied to the back of the neck or feet for ridding yourself of the evil eye.
You can add the oil to some salt and sprinkle in doorways and corners of the house for clearing and maintaining a spaces energy.
Use in candle magic for cleansing spaces and use in uncrossing spellwork.
Add a few drops in a bath, or on a black candle while doing banishing or protection magic.
Note from Tara Adrian:
After intense social situations or just being around a person who has low vibrations I love to use this oil in a hot bath. Add a few drops into a hot bath and state your intentions of clearing off the negativity and releasing all energy that does not serve you. Sink into your delish bath and visualize all the negativity evaporate into mist or let it be black sludge that goes down the drain. Feel free to light a few candles and do an energy call back if you really feel off. This product is safe for skin but a little goes a long way with this product. This product is not made to be skincare and could contain allergens to you so use with caution.